I need some inconsistency

An amalgamation of content: the aim not to politicise, but exercise. I'll think aloud about politics, technology, current news, as well as being a gay boy and what that really entails.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Tick the box

I love the 'Employment' boxes of forms when you're a student. It's always endless fun. Or when you're on some really technical website and the only options they give you are Tortion engineer or Shear specialist. Or something.

From another blog profile:

# Age: 17
# Gender: male
# Astrological Sign: Cancer
# Born in the Year of the: Tiger
# Industry: Chemicals
# Occupation: aromatic chemist

I'm thinking that he's either not 17, or he's not an aromatic chemist. When you're a student you can have so much random fun just messing about it forms, choosing the most obscure jobs you can find.
"What field do you want to work in today Amy?"
When working, it feels more like cheating when you put the wrong information into forms, so I do it less, but if you're a student and they don't even have an option for Students, I just think of the site as very stupid. Ok, perhaps I'm not going to buy something from them this very moment. I'm not going to subscribe to the NYTimes today or anytime in the next year. But, if they get me to read it now, then perhaps I'll subscribe in two years time and then I might get my office to buy copies for employees in the chillout room or something. Think long-term people. Kids today know what they're interested in, so it's not only going to be professionals reading information on journalism (poynter.org take note) and not only do boring old farts read about chemical engineering (ICI).
Anyway, not that those companies DON'T allow you to say 'student', but so many like them don't it's hard to remember the last time someone DID.


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