I need some inconsistency

An amalgamation of content: the aim not to politicise, but exercise. I'll think aloud about politics, technology, current news, as well as being a gay boy and what that really entails.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Green Tea Cake

With a Chive's flower head for decoration. My dad had brought these in fearlier on in the day in a little willow-pattern style bowl. I wasn't quite sure what he expected me to do with them, but he just brought them in for the look - rather than dying outside in the sun we can now play around with them atop food! This was all from saturday night and for once, in an odd occurance for me, the cake was amazing. I normally make cakes that seem to rise in the oven and look beautiful but then die and squish down immediately once removed. This one, for once, worked. I was so happy. Despite the hours of chopping food that I'd had to do in preparation for the rest of the meal, this cake was what made me most happy on Saturday night - in that it actually worked!


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