Sporty Queen
Can I tell you how fantastic my day has been? I know this is all self-interested and tedious to anyone who isn't me, but I don't care - my optimism can't be defeated.
I went to my European politics class at 10:30 which left me plenty of time for a leisurely breakfast with my fab Canadian friend Tannis and my friend from Mexico, Carlos. It seems like the three of us have become breakfast buddies. We eat together, just by chance at the time, almost every day. It's so chummy and comfortable and relaxed that it just makes my day go so much better than it otherwise would have done.
The class was great - a group of my colleagues did a presentation on the politics of right-wing extremism, and for some reason the rest of my tutorial group didn’t seem really interested. So I’m sitting there, all keen and everything, asking loads of questions on after another. After each answer I’d stop and wait a moment, expecting someone else to want to ask a question, but no, they were all asleep.
I didn’t really expect to be having fun in my tutorials, but I am. I leave every one buzzed and looking forward to the next one, which is slightly surreal. I expected to enjoy getting into the subject, but didn’t expect to want the seminar to go on for another couple hours.
So the class was good, I looked either like a fool thinking I know too much, or just very enthusiastic and interested. Hopfully the latter. There’s one guy called Ken in my FPD class who does what I’d like to emulate. He asked me loads of questions for my presentation and simply expressed an interest, but without dominating and by keeping calm at the same time. I ‘d like to do that, it’s admirable to help other people out by being interested. I think.
After the class I headed over to the Union to mail a fab little card I had with the trademark phrase, “Love from, Me.” The LGBT coffee (two) hour(s) was next and I just kind of hung out there, admiring two hot guys in there. They did oblige and stick around for my viewing pleasure for which I am grateful. I didn’t tell them this of course, but I’m sure that in time they’ll work it out!
So sat around and ate my yoghurt and kiwi fruit for two hours there and then we played the alphabet name, making up names for the female genitalia. It was fag education – the one lesbian there was teaching us! So after gay boys meeting it was off to the gym where I bumped into Hanna which was cool – she was just there already – I hadn’t even planned to meet anyone there! So that’s cool. We did the whole cross trainer thing together for a bit and then I had to go do my exhausting running ‘thang’ so I left her. She has a lip piercing. Love it.
Then, THEN, it was off to yoga. So I meet these three great girls there – Annie, Sophie and Some-other-name-ending-in-E like Katie, or something. Anyway, so got a mat next to Annie and had a laugh with her there and then we kind of walked out together while she was telling me about her girlfriend! And I was, to myself, screaming ‘Yah! A dyke!’ but stayed calm on the façade. So we’re going to do yoga next week too! Gosh, can’t wait.
And that was it! Class, Gay, Gym, Yoga.
And then home to a meal cooked for me! Today, my life was bliss! And now I’m out to the bar to get fucked with the LGBT society.
Lets hope the evening lives up to the rest of your day! lol. C
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