I need some inconsistency

An amalgamation of content: the aim not to politicise, but exercise. I'll think aloud about politics, technology, current news, as well as being a gay boy and what that really entails.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Called in sick again today

I'm ok sitting around at home, blowing my nose every ten seconds and letting out a roaring cough that wakes the dead, but I'm not so sure about rushing around pretending to feel professional. I don't think I'd be able to handle getting out of the house and not feeling hot again, not feeling like I'm about to faint. It's much more safe to stay and read about kissing freaks on Salon.
Though when I did call in about an hour and a half ago, I got the ultimate worst person to pick up the phone. On of my bosses is genuinely a really nice guy, and doesn't mean anything, but whenever you tell him any bad news (ie the fact that you're ill and not going to be in) he makes you feel guilty. Not that he says anything of course, but I can't help feeling like I've done something wrong by being ill, like there's even a chance that I might just be putting it on.
Of course it's much safer for me t ostay away another day than spread the cold I've got to the whole team, laying waste to everyone around me. But I still feel bad about not going in, it doesn't feel like being a 'team player', but that's exactly what I'm trying to do. Of course you could say that I'm being safe by not working, so others can continue to work, but that would be an uncharitable way of looking at it. Plus, I'm not even sure whether I'm being paid for the days off I've had (ie sick pay). Not that it matters, but I know certain people would grumble if they didn't get what was 'morally' right for them to have.


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