I need some inconsistency

An amalgamation of content: the aim not to politicise, but exercise. I'll think aloud about politics, technology, current news, as well as being a gay boy and what that really entails.

Friday, May 07, 2004

I was worried at first

That I may have given myself some sort of compound fracture in my leg. At work this morning, after carrying out the standard fake 'I'm awake and fine' thing first thing to show that I wasn't in fact dead or completely out of it still, my leg began to ache. Just when I was actually putting pressure on it, ie standing or squatting etc, but that was worrying enough. One would hope that simply standing doesn't make you scared of having seriously damaged a leg, but it seems that's possible. Anyway, I think I did it whilst dancing, which is a pretty dumb way to break a leg. Not even funny either. It's that whole stamping your legs down in time to the music, or the line-dancing esque rotations of the whole body at once to face 90 degrees from where you were a few seconds ago. I'm sure if I hadn't gorged myself on alcohol this wouldn't be a problem, though one is supposed to be less susceptible to damaging oneself when drunk (though I wasn't drunk) because your body is less toned and so you're less likely to fight back against the pain/unusual position of bodily parts and so actually unintentionally hurt yourself less. If that makes any sense.
Anyway, a friend and I were dancing to the cheesy pop music like the crazy kids we are, and I had a great time. Of course, it now being 11:30 PM, I've worked two full days and, whilst recovering from a cold have had only three hours sleep in 48 hours. I don't think this is a really great idea, but it's what one has to do to become a crazy party animal. Or so I'm told by the gods of queendom, my colleagues. After all, they should know, being the biggest queens on the block.


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