I need some inconsistency

An amalgamation of content: the aim not to politicise, but exercise. I'll think aloud about politics, technology, current news, as well as being a gay boy and what that really entails.

Friday, May 07, 2004

I can hardly bring myself to say it,

But BoingBoing is great today. They get the best shit, like this one:
On Scott Evan's site today he's showing us all (!) a tour of his neighbourhood. This is interesting because he's in a nice, old style area with small houses made of asbestos cladding and light thin walls. The houses must have been put up soon after world war two. Trees and stuff are all around, but what's also becoming more prevalent are MASSIVE houses. It appears that developers are buying up plots with tiny low value houses on them to put huge hulks of identikit houses on the sites, ratcheting up the value of the properties, but also making anonymous, soulless neighbourhoods.
    Day one=little houses shaded by trees.
    Day two=trees shaded by castle of a McMansion.



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