I need some inconsistency

An amalgamation of content: the aim not to politicise, but exercise. I'll think aloud about politics, technology, current news, as well as being a gay boy and what that really entails.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

The fight over?

So when I also had a big fight with one of my friends on Thursday night, as well as not getting into the club, I went home rather pissed. Now it seems the whole issue has blown over and we're going to have 'a talk' as he put it last night. I don't know when the talk will happen - it hasn't so far and it's almost eleven PM. Don't think that means anything though. It appears he is in the apologizing mood, as when he called me at around three thirty this morning, he was gushing with sorrys. I'm not quite sure whether this turnaround is a good thing - he was so immensly vile the other day, that the issue of being 'friends' seems rather akward.
Anyway, to make up for it, last night I was out on the town (after my ill-advised, formerly agreed to babysitting). Early yesterday afternoon I got a few old shirts I don't use anymore and cut one of them up. Well I really simply reduced the length and the girth of them - there's no point in going to a school uniform night if you really look like you're wearing school uniform. So I made it look sexy, and ripped, then combined it with a hot pink tie.
It looked ok in the end - who would have though, a revealing yet clingy shirt! Makes you wonder what all those queens who were wearing shit had been thinking. You can't go out just wearing any old shirt - even straight boys know this. Ben Sherman be damned, quirky is the new guidebook.


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