I need some inconsistency

An amalgamation of content: the aim not to politicise, but exercise. I'll think aloud about politics, technology, current news, as well as being a gay boy and what that really entails.

Monday, October 06, 2003

We all fagged it out on Thursday

Trying desperately not to fall over one another - didn't work. But at least I got to see some of the rest of the bastards attempt to dance to music they hadn't heard before - Jamelia's 'Superstar' - like I've been having to do with their shit 80's music. Loved that. David brought along some friends of his from who knows where (dodgy venues I'm sure). We had Geordie Paul, Phil and Steve. Paul's a dick as he always buys pints then spills them down my legs on the dance floor, Steve was a wuss and wouldnt' dance all night. The only time he would was when I literally dragged him onto the floor and held his arms for him doing the moves. I felt bad for him in that this was how I behaved for the first 30 minutes of being in a gay club for the first time. No confidence, not knowing where to look, how to dance etc. However when you know the music, and get into it you're fine. He was like this all evening. Get over it!
Phil was a blast though - tall and with a big belly he just seemed like a big teddy bear. The fun thing was that he was a really enthusiastic dancer - making a complete fool of himself on the dancefloor, yet having a great time. Even better was the fact that I wasn't he least bit attracted to him so could rub up against him to my heart's content and not feel like a dirty whore.
Not so easy with Richie like that though - we didn't do so much grinding - it just feels like a risk. You decide.


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