I need some inconsistency

An amalgamation of content: the aim not to politicise, but exercise. I'll think aloud about politics, technology, current news, as well as being a gay boy and what that really entails.

Friday, August 29, 2003


Was out last night at the gay club DV8 with some friends from work until 3:30 this morning. Then woke up at 6:30 and got into the store by 7:45. Dammit, I was the first one in! There was a male stripper at the club at around 2 o'clock who was just AWFUL. He must had been straight. He did a kind of shower scene were he used some sort of soap suds to pretend that he was in the shower. Of course it was all to music, but the problem with his act was that every so often he would just stop to cross the stage for another prop or something. It was as though he'd just forgotten where he was and needed a recap.
My voice is all messed up this morning though from all the smoke in the air there, and of course the clouds of (damn, i 've forgotten the word for it, the frozen dust stuff..... dry ice! wouldn't have helped. I REALLY enjoyed it though and I can say that fun was had by all. Makes me realise how much younger I am than most of the employees because I didn't know half of the songs they were playing until it came to something like 2:30 when they got some more recent stuff on.. ie the justin and beyonce's of this world!
HE was there... SO hot!

i wanna take you to a gay bar gay bar gay bar
(s)he was there also. one on the left=scary.. i mean, if you're going to dress like a woman, you might as well dress WELL! and the guy on the right is a door greeter. kind of freeky too that one since you can't see their faces most of the time -they've got black screen things over their faces, so if you ACTUALLY talk to them then it feels like you're talking to a odd faceless being. with red pom poms sticking out of its head.


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